Missions are a central part of our ministry here at Halifax Community Church. We believe that one of the ways Christians grow in their walk with God is through serving their neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ. HCC engages in a number of mission efforts both in our local community, and around the world. We believe in the importance of having both a local and global view of missions. We invite you to browse the information below to learn about some exciting opportunities!
Food Room
The “Food Room” was started in 1991 as a result of people who desired to help those in our community in need with basic food support. We are blessed to be able to offer this ministry to anyone year-round. The FOOD ROOM is located in the building at the top corner of the church parking lot.
This ministry is led by an amazing group of deeply compassionate volunteers who desire to provide encouragement while also meeting the physical needs of our guests. Through their faithful effort, food is provided every week and holiday meals are distributed during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, & Easter Seasons.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact the church office:
717-896-8092, ext. 110 / office@halifaxgmc.org /
Monday from 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Thursday from 3:30 pm. – 6:00 pm
3rd Saturdays from 9 am - 11 am
Cornerstone Counseling
Counseling services began being offered in 2022 to help those in our community in need of accessible, affordable counseling. Services are available for individuals, couples, & families. Financial assistance is available for those who need it. Our counselors come to Halifax from In Him Christian Wellness www.inhimchristianwellness.org. Cornerstone Counseling is located in the building at the top corner of the church parking lot.
To schedule an appointment, please call or email:
717-585-0627 / intake@inhimchristianwellness.org /
Halifax Youth Center
We are also blessed to support the Halifax Youth Center. This facility is located on 231 Rise Street in Halifax and is the ongoing fulfillment of a vision by our Church to provide a positive, fun, and character-building space for the youth of our community in grades 6-12. This program is served by a director and great crew of volunteers who have a passion to provide healthy support to the young people. For more information, please visit the Halifax Youth Center Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hccgmc/groups
Faith in Action
The Church Has Left the Building! As the body of Christ, we are called not only to GATHER in worship and CONNECT in fellowship, but also to SERVE our neighbors as a display of God’s love. Do you know of someone who needs help? A yard that needs trimmed? A street or park that needs cleaned? Someone who needs help washing windows? Let us know so we can minister to them through service.
Over the past several years, we have sent mission teams to a children’s orphanage in Berachah, India. In this effort, we partner with Children to Love International by providing support for the day-to-day programming needs of the ministry and to give witness to the love of Jesus Christ. In 2008, Children to Love began a partnership with Berachah Children’s Home. Berachah sits on the coast of southeastern India, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Founded in 2000 by Kiran Paul, Berachah Children's Home has continued to serve as a haven for children orphaned or semi-orphaned by poverty, parent suicide or natural disasters. When possible, children are restored to their extended family.
We are currently sending mission teams to Bucharest, Romania, in partnership with Children to Love International and the Open Hearts Foundation. Through this ministry, we come alongside an ongoing organization dedicated to offering a variety of social supports and services to Romania's most vulnerable, including counseling, afterschool programs and Bible study small groups. These programs serve institutionalized children, as well as children from vulnerable families.
Missions Support
The Mission Committee regularly gives financial support to the following missions:
We support local missionaries and ministries as God leads us to do so.
Great Commission Fund
The Great Commission Fund is used to cover part of the cost of team members’ outreach to orphans in Romania and India, but it also helps to fund mission trips to long-term missionaries. In addition, it can be used to help fund any families who choose to host orphans in their home. If you are interested in giving to the Great Commission Fund, you can use an envelope & mark it “Great Commission Fund” and place it in the offering. Please note that you can also make regular electronic contributions to the Great Commission Fund using the forms found in the church office or via the website from the "Forms" tab under "Resources".